Cette visite a été à l’honneur de ma chère grand-mère et de mon chère grand-père.Anthony Nasr – Celine Nasr – Nohra Nasr – Nadia Nasr – Farid Soubhieh – Farida Soubhieh .Dimanche 23 Juillet 2017
Le Compte de Martel, le Roi Faycal, le Patriarche Alex Russie , Le Prince Anché de Grèce, Jean AKL combine de célébrités ont passé dans cet établissement prodigieux..Jean AKL 23/7/2017
Beaucoup de charme, un acceuil chaleureux à l’hotel Massabki. Un séjour que je n’oublierai jamais.Younik Nadjarian Saki 23/7/2017
06/09/2017From our book in the lobby
Perfect hotel, perfect service, and perfect place to relax. I’ll come back one day J “ Carla” 31/3/2017
Massabki Hotel….A destination of warmness, friendliness, cleanness. A typical boutique hotel…It just feels home…I surely will recommend it to others, I surely will back again. Bachir Cheaib 13/8/2017
Massabki Hotel .Lot of World decision been taking, we must be proud as Lebanese to be part of it.History will be repeated and Lebanon will rise again and the key of EAST and the jewel of the Middle EAST..President of W. L. C. U. Johanusburg (South Africa) Nicolas Dagher 20/08/2017
Thank you for great welcome, really appreciate, learning about history and beauty. .Angelina Eichhorst Ambassador Head of European Delegation Union 27/07/2011.
This is my first visit here and I find it like sanctuary, a little piece of heaven. It is very peaceful and beautiful. Mariam Hussein 03/06/2012.
This hotel should be Rated 7 stars hotel. Best locations integrated with best service and atmosphere. Joseph Sawane 02/10/2011.
Thanks to the snow that Let me sleep in this cozy Hotel for 3 nights. Hope to repeat it in a better condition Amer Hafi 03/03/2012.
We really had fun, Wonderful hotel and I simply loved the ducks and the swans. Falinef April 2012.
We experienced the beautiful Old Lebanon magnificent. Thank you for the excellent service Ralf Ebel 07/04/2012.
Stayed at Massabki Hotel for the wedding ceremony of our dear Nahed and Mohamad.
The Hotel is great, the ambiance is excellent. Great staff and excellent service. Temuna & Hector 23/08/2012.
Very nice hotel, it is so calm and you have the most beautiful garden. Everything is perfect. Everyone was so lovely. The decoration is so unique and classy, I like that. E. M 3/12/ 2012.
Very nice hotel, delicious, design, and decoration. Carlo Abi Saab .10/12/ 2012.
As Usual year after year Massabki is growing to be more and more the best location to be in. Joseph Sawan 31/12 / 2012.
Thanks for your hospitality and friendly faces. Mwahhh Edward from Australia 07/2012.
Just would like to say very good job on the hotel, the design, mood, colors, decoration, and staff keep it up. (P.s: even better than Phoenicia) Maya 19/11/2012.
Lovely hotel this is our third time and for sure not the last. Joseph et Ursula 02/10/2011.
First wedding anniversary. Great hotel Thank you for everything Patrick & Dana Younes & bebe Angelina 13/10/2012.
WE the RABERSONS from MADAGASCAR, are proud to spent a night in this historical hotel. 27/10/2012.
I have been all over the World. This hotel the best I have seen in my life. Ahmad Dalli 28/10/2011.
This hotel is really nice, the staff's kind and we really enjoyed our staying here. Ervana Peuzy from Italy 24/09/2011.
Spent an amazing night at Massabki, Best Hotel, and Best Location. Lea Feains 01/01/2013.
One of the most beautiful hotels. You make Lebanon a more beautiful place .Good Luck. Dina 14/04//2013.
I hope every hotel in Lebanon like yours. Mohamed 04/04/2013.
Our Every Weekend Quite needing place from the noisy cities. Massabki Great. Mohamad Houseini 13/04/2013
في كل مشوار نأتي به الى فندق مسابكي، لا نشعر فقط بالخدمة الرهيبة والعظيمة والأخوية، بل نشعر بمحبة وعائلة حاضنة من الموظفين إلى الزوار، أنا ابن البقاع الاوسط ولكن عندما أزور مسابكي أشعر كأنني في منزلي الثاني، الراحة التي يوفرها واللقمة الطيبة لا مثيل لهما. شكراً على كل شيء اعزائي وأتمنى دائماً أن تدوم عراقة مسابكي. 17/9/2014
في كل أفق منارة وفي كل مساء قمر وعند كل واد سحيق منبسط وإذا كان المنبسط البقاع فإن منارته فندق المسابكي الذي يختصر كل كرم وضيافة وأصالة تجسد لبنانية هذا الفندق وعراقته. إلى الافضل دائماً وشكراً17/9/2014 ومسابك العنبر والياسمين
محمد فارس
UN Staff
مع فائق التقدير والتحية، مسابكي من افضل الفنادق،
والجميع مرتاح في مسابكي.
جميع العاملين اشكركم فرداً فرداً
أخوكم صادق
يوم مميز من آب ، مرقنا مع اجمل اصحاب ، لو بدي عنهم احكي، بكتب عنهم اخلى كتاب، يا مسابكي الله يديمك، تضلك ذكرى للاحبا
وسام. لينا. ميشال. دايزي
مع خالص شكرنا وتقديرنا لخدمتكم المميزة
مع تمام التوفيق والتقدم
د. صلاح الدين المراد
لكم مني كل التقدير والاحترام، لأدائكم الفندقية الجيد والحترمة.
مع فائق احترامي محمد عمر من تونس الخضراء
فرقة صابر الرباعي
من امتع مراحل الرحلة الى لبنان بالنسبة لي
الاستراحة وتناول الفطور في مسابكي.
زهراء عبد الواحد
لقد كنت أسمع عن هذا الفندق عبر اخبار الناس وظننت انهم يبالغون، ولكن بعد ان جئت ورايت بنفسي هذا الفندق الكريم، لا يسعني الا ان اتمنى لكم جزيل الشكر والتوفيق على حسن ضيافتكم وحسن الاخلاق والنظافة التي تتمتعون بها .
سعدى حمدان
كم هي ممتعة إقامتنا في احضان المسابكي الرائع
كم هي مبهجة ومسعدة، مليئة بالذكريات العريقة والعواطف العميقة.
الدكتورة عزة عمر الرباط ونهاد قزعون
مع تقدير اسرتنا لللإقامة في فندق المسابكي
( فلعل البكاء إن بكى شوقاً للقاء، ولعله يعود الصبح ضحك بإذن الله)
مع فائق التقدير والعرفان لادارة الفندق الناجحة على جميع خدماتكم الممتازة مع تمنياتنا لكم بالتوفيق والنجاح الدائم .
M. Kadri
مسابكي كالنهر والنهر كالحياة
يدخل اليها ويخرج منها وهي مستمرة...
من أجمل بناء عراقي عظيم يحمل راية الاستقرار والاسلام الديموقراطي، كل فئات الشعب العراقي حضرت مؤتمر خاص بالعراق لتنمية الموارد البشرية.
السيد ماجد علي 2012/03/23
لقد أتينا إلى عنجر لإلقاء ندوة، وذلك عن تمكين المرأة ودعمها.
كما أمضينا ليلتنا في اوتيل مسابكي.أوتيل جيد جداً على مستوى الاوتيلات المشهورة العالمية، تهانينا.
إلى اجمل اوتيلات لبنان....
علاء صبح & رنا خليل
أحلى عالم مسابكي، وخاصة Tv Salon، والخدمة الحسنة والممتازة .
قاسم حرب 2012/03/25
مع فائق الشكر والتقدير عن الحفاوة والاستقبال،
حضرنا مجموعة من العراقيين الى هذا المطعم الرائع
عبدالرحيم حافظ
حدائق رائعة ,ومكان خلاب هادىء في قلب لبنان النابض ببساطة اناقة وتاريخ مشرف هذا الفندق
د.ضيا ابي شقرا
ما أحلى الرجوع اليه. اوتيل المسابكي، قد اتيت اليه مع العائلة عند الصغر في عطلتي الميلاد والفصح في الاعوام 1970- 1975 وقد قضيت احلى ايام الطفولة هنا. كان الاهل لهم اصدقاء كثر هنا ونحن الاولاد نلهو في الصالونات والحدائق والمراجيح، نأكل الترمس والتشيبس والبيبسي المرتجعز ليت تلك الايام تعود....
مالك زهيرغندور
قمة الجمال والروعة تتجلى عندما يمتزج التاريخ والحاضر والأصالة والحداثة، وعذا ما تجلى في اوتيل مسابكي الرائع و موظفيه اللطفاء الذين يستقبلون ضيوفهم بابتسامة.
زكريا دعمة
عجب في التاريخ وقمّة في الحداثة وكمال في الاناقة والاكثر من ذلك كله، حسن الضيافة والاستقبال، تراها مجموعة ومتألقة في مكان واحد وهو فندق مسابكي .كل الشكر للادارة والعاملين، مع التمنيات بلزيادة والعلو نحو مدارج الكمال.وعلى امل اللقاء مرة ثانية والعودة اليكم .
عماد الدين السواس
سوريا - حلب
لقد شرفتني زيارة فندق مسابكي، وسرّني جداً مطلّ الغرف والخدمة الممتازة وأدب العاملين فيه.
صالح السعودية 2012/9/21
جمعية حماية واستثمار الأدمغة العربية
نشكر إدارة الأوتيل لجهودهم ونتمنى التقدم والإزدهار
رئيس الجمعية
حسين اباهيم جبر
My all time favorite place. I love the service, food, ambience, nature, greens, lights, space, weddings, music, concerts, prices, customer service. Keep it up. One of the most treasured places in lebanon and bekaa. Sincerely lama
03/07/2016Boutique hotel Avec cachet historique Architecture Rare Jardin Magnifique Embiance Relaxante Service Serviable Mercii Massabki Hotel !! Toufic & Sandra Bazi 7.6.2015
18/09/2015Dear Mr. Maalouf, Allow me to thank you for the great hospitality Massabki Hotel offers. We often as Friedrich Naumann Foundation enjoyed and will continue enjoying holding our events in your kind Hotel. Rarely you can can find this friendly/family, generous yet professional environment in one hotel. Wish you all the success and prosperity to come. Keep up the excellent service. Sincerely, Tala Itani- Project Coordinator Friedrich Naumann Foundation.
31/10/2014Dear Ephram, We thank you for your hospitality, attention and professionalism in hosting our group. In fact, every team member had a story to tell. We also thank Sir Albert for choosing your hotel and for supporting all parties in making this event successful. The overall evaluation was positive and personally I cannot be brutal with such a lovely and nice environment as yours. Wishing you success and prosperity and more and more stories to be told! Best Regards Nada Ziadeh Benta group HR Manager
03/06/2013Dear Ephram, I'd like to thank everyone at the Massabki Hotel for an exceptional stay for our group. From an organizing point of view Elie was more than helpful in aiding me to develop the planning of the course to be held at the Massabki, nothing was a problem and I found Elie more than helpful to meet my requirements. The hotel is clean and tidy with more than helpful professional staff, no request from myself as an organizer or the course participants was ever refused by your staff, your staff are a credit to you and the hotel, due to the location of the hotel there were some concerns on safety and security, we were made to feel welcome and never did any person feel unsafe at any time. The hotel is in a wonderful location, with peaceful and wonderful grounds and gardens. The food.........Well what can I say, the food was stunning, menu's were varied and bespoke to the course, again nothing was too much trouble for the staff to attend the needs. You have a wonderful hotel, run by wonderful people and supported by professional, polite and pleasant staff. Thank you so much, I hope we will be back soon. Mr. Steve Cook Tyr Solution Director.
03/06/2012Dear Ephram, When I took the decision to hold my annual management and creative meeting at the Massabki Hotel, I was certain that things will be good. I have known you for many years and have known your management style, what I did not expect is the perfection I saw simply because I believed that perfection does not exist and you proved me wrong. Our stay was perfect, the rooms, the food, the service, the attention to details and most importantly the warmth and welcoming spirit we witnessed in you and all your staff. Something to which I thank you and will make sure to spread the word both on the personal level and the professional level. Thank you once again, you have made me very proud. It looks as if you have added to my reputation of wisdom by deciding to do the conference at your hotel. Regards, Chairman & CEO MEMAC Ogilvy & Mather Holding Middle East & North Africa Memac Ogilvy 2010 Management Meeting.
24/03/2011Dear Massabki Hotel Team March 23, 24 & 25 is an unforgettable date to the whole Tetra Pak East Med team and all the credit goes to Massabki Team who made this event a date to remember. And it is simply because they were there for us at any day, any time and any hour. They provided us with an outstanding service and a very special care. They perfectly assisted us in the pre-preparation of this event, in the execution and even with the follow-up after the event. Elie was our first contact and he catered this event as if it his own event. Perfect planning, perfect delivery, perfect follow-up and excellent outcome. Bechara was also there to cater for our lunches and dinners, be it at your premises or outside your premises. The service was simply a more than a 7 stars service. Elie, Bechara and all the staff that helped us in this event overwhelmed us by their generosity on all fronts. So for that, I would like, on behalf of Tetra Pak East Med team, to say a big THANK YOU to all Massabki hotel team for this wonderful and special treatment and for raising the bar when it comes to conference and event management in Lebanon. We really felt at home, we felt as one team working together to ensure an utmost success of the event. Chapeau to all and Thank you all. I surely look forward to seeing you all and I will surely make sure to spread the word on the perfection of your work Sincerely Lara Nassar Tabet Marketing Director Tetra Pak East Med www.tetrapak.com